Thursday, February 28, 2008


Phyllanthus distichus euphobiaceaea- The star gooseberry pictured here in my teachers yard.

Thais Believe...
Mayom (Phyllanthus distichus euphobiaceaea). The star gooseberry which bears acid fruit. Its branches are used by monks who dip it in the consecrated water and sprinkle it on persons or places as a sort of ritual purification. Some people do not grow this tree near the house. The Lord of "phi" is called in Thai, "Phya Yom" from Yama the Indian God of Death. Perhaps because the name of the tree "mayom" sounds like Phya Yom in its last syllable, it is not grown near the house of some people. The branch of mayom tree which is used for the purification ritual is no doubt used in immitation of Yama, the Indian God of Death who holds a staff (Yama Dandha) with which he beasts the evil spirits. On seeing such a staff the evil spirits will flee.

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